Articles on: Understanding Masters

My Companies

This article will take you through the My Companies section and how to use it.

The main function of the My Companies section is to allow you to create and operate multiple billing
entities. This means that all your bookings can be centralized, however, when you create an invoice you
can choose which 'Company' you want to use to invoice your customer.

This is useful in the following scenarios:

You have multiple GST numbers for different states you operate in
You have multiple GST numbers of different branches you have
You have more than one company through which you invoice customers
You invoice different types of bookings using different companies

Understanding the My companies section structure:

This means, that you can create multiple companies and multiple company profiles. Then associate those company profiles to any of the companies.

What are company profiles?

Company profiles are used to display default information on invoices and in emails.
On invoices, they are used to display,

Bank account details
Terms & conditions

And email signatures in emails.

Company profiles are useful when you want to maintain information on old invoices, but at the same
time want to add updated bank account details or terms & conditions on new invoices going forward. To
do this - create a new company profile and assign it to the company, leaving the old company profile

Remember a branch and a company are different things. If each of your branches has different GST
numbers then you would need to create them as both branches and companies. As the uses of both are
very different.

Lets get started!

Go to the Masters menu and click on My Companies

This section will show you a list of companies you have created.
When you signed up for an account, a 'primary company' and a 'default company profile' would be
automatically created and visible.

To create a new company profile or edit an existing one, click on 'Manage company profiles'

Click on a company profile or click on 'Add company profile'

Next, go back to Masters - My companies and click on click on 'Add company', to add a new company or click on 'Edit' to make changes to an existing company.

1 - Company name

The name added here would be used on the letterhead of invoices and duty slips. Add your full business name here.

2 - Code

These letters would be used as a prefix to all invoices. For example, if you add 'CB', your invoice number would read CB1819-000001. The financial year would change automatically every year on the 1st
of April.

Upload a logo by clicking on 'Choose file'. Please select a JPEG or PNG file only. The logo you upload
here would be visible on your invoice. If you would like to change the logo you have added please click
on 'Remove'. Try adding a square logo of high resolution.

4 - Digital signature

Upload a digital signature by clicking on 'Choose file'. Please select a JPEG or PNG file only. The
signature you upload here would be visible at the bottom right of your invoices. Try adding a square
image of high resolution. Also, you can easily create a digital signature using MS Paint or Photoshop.

5 - Phone number

The number added here would be visible in the SMS and email communication you send. If you have
multiple numbers add each number one after the other using a comma to separate them.

6 - Address

The address added here would be visible in the header of invoices and duty slips just below your
company name.

7 - City

The city you select here will automatically be the default 'From' city selected while adding a booking.

8 - Email

This is your login email ID. Please note if your email ID is changed, the login email ID would still remain
the same.

You can watch this video to learn how to use sister companies

Learn more about the uses to company profiles: How to use company profiles

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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