Articles on: Tutorials

How to use multiple GST numbers while sending invoices to a customer associate

If you have multiple GST entities that are being used to invoice customers, this guide will help you learn how

1 - Share multiple GST entities with your customer
2 - Create an invoice under a specific GST entity

How to create and share GST entities?

Step 1:

Go to Masters - Suppliers - Click on ‘Add New Supplier’ - Create supplier account with ‘Type- Company’ - Enter the same GST, State, Address, and Name details as per your company.

Step 2:

Go to My Companies - Click on ‘Add Company’ - Enter details that match your Supplier profile - Under ‘Supplier’ select the profile you created - Save.

Step 3:

Go to Masters - Suppliers - Click on the gear icon to the right of the GST entity you have created - Click on ‘Share with Associate’ - Select the Customer associate you want to share with - Save.

Your customer associate can view the request under Network - My Associates, once they accept the request your entity profile will be added as a Supplier.

Now that you have successfully shared your entity profile with your customer associate let’s understand how the invoice-sharing process works under the shared entity profile.

How to create and share invoices under your shared entity?

Creating a fresh invoice

Go to Duties - Completed - Click on the top right gear icon - Select ‘Generate Invoice’ - Under ‘Billing as’ click on ‘Change’ and select your shared sister company name - Add Booking - Save - Click on ‘Send to Associate’

After you have shared the invoice with your customer associate, it will be visible under the Incoming Purchase Invoice section with shared company entity profile details.

Note: If you have set up default taxes for the shared supplier associate in Master - Supplier, the same would be applied to the incoming invoice.

Modifying an invoice that has already been created to a new GST entity-

Once an invoice has been generated under a company name it cannot be changed,
Go to Operations - Billing - Click on the gear icon next to invoice - Select ‘Cancel Invoice’

Once the invoice has been cancelled, you can generate a new invoice for the attached booking,
Go to Duties - Completed - Click on the duty - Click on the top right gear icon - Select ‘Generate Invoice’ - Click on ‘Change’ next to Billing as - Select the shared company name - Save.

Note: If your customer associate has accepted your invoice, new invoice can be generated only after the customer associate cancels the invoice.

Thank you

Updated on: 04/07/2023

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