Articles on: Network

How to send a booking request to an associate

Once you have added a car-rental company you would like to work with as an Associate you can stop sending them emails and start sending them booking requests directly through Indecab.

What is a Booking request?

A booking request sends the same information sent in an email but through the system. This enables you to move away from the traditional email and phone call based approach to a more automated way of working.

To send a booking request simply allot a booking to your associate.

Go to Duties - Booked - Click on Allot - Click on the ‘My Associate/Suppliers’ tab and select the associate from the list.

When you click on an Associate you will see a box that shows you exactly what information is going to be sent to your associate.

Click on ‘Send booking request’ to send them the booking request. The status of your duty would change to ‘Request sent’.

If the booking is accepted. The status would change to ‘Accepted - Details needed’.

If the request is rejected the status would change to ‘Rejected’ and you would be able to Re-allot the duty to another Associate.

When your network associate allot’s the vehicle and the driver, the status would change to Supplier Allotted.

When the duty has been completed and the duty slip has been sent by your Associate the status would change to ‘Sup. completed’


Updated on: 21/09/2020

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