Articles on: Booking & Allotment

How to manage allotment

In this article, you will learn how to manage allotment.
Click here to learn How to add a booking

There are four types of allotment covered in this article

Allotment to own vehicles and drivers
Allotment to suppliers manually
Allotment to network suppliers
Booking level allotment

Allotment to own vehicles and drivers

To get started go to the Duties - Booked.

You can allot a duty to your driver or supplier by hovering over the duty row and clicking the 'Allot’
button or by click on ‘Allot vehicle & driver’ from the small gear icon. You can also get the options of
the small gear icon using the right clicking on the duty.

Once you click on allot, you will see a duty allotment pop-up, this will let you select between allocating
the duty to your vehicles or your associates/suppliers. You can toggle between the tabs and select the
driver/supplier that you want to allocate the duty to.

To allot a duty to your own driver/vehicle uses the following steps:

After you have the duty allotment pop-up open, simply click on the vehicle name in the ‘My vehicles’
section to allot that vehicle to the duty. If a driver is assigned to the vehicle the driver will get alloted to
the duty as well. Otherwise, the system will ask you to select a driver after you select the vehicle.

Note: Learn how to select a vehicle from another vehicle group while allotting. <link>

Allotment to suppliers manually

After you have the duty allotment pop-up open, select the tab ‘My Associates/Suppliers’. Use the
search bar to search for a supplier or scroll through the list of suppliers displayed.

Tip: You can assign cities to suppliers in the supplier master. During allotment only suppliers that are available in that city would be visible.

Click on the supplier name to allot them to the duty.

If a DCO has been allotted the duty would change to the ‘Allotted’ state. However, if a Company supplier is allotted, the status would show as ‘Details needed’ . Here you would need to click on ‘Details Needed’
button and fill out the details in the pop-up window with the details sent to you by your supplier.
i.e. Vehicle model, vehicle number, driver name, driver phone number.

Allotting to Network Suppliers:

Click on a supplier name in the allotment pop-up open. You will see a pop-up window that shows you the
details that will be sent to your network supplier. Click on send booking request to allot the booking. Your
network supplier will be notified of the booking and will have to accept/reject the same.

Once a driver/supplier is allotted to a booking/duty it moves to the allotted tab. From the allotted tab you
can click on send info to send the booking details to your driver/supplier.

There may be times when you need to change the allotment, in such a situation you can click on the
small gear icon and click on re-allot (1). This will let you change the allotment for the duty.

In case you want to clear the allotment completely, click on the small gear icon and then click on the
clear allotment (2). This will clear the current allotment and move the booking to the booked tab.

Booking Level Allotment

Booking level allotments enables you to allot all the duties of a booking to a single driver or supplier.
To get started go to Operations - Bookings and select the booking. You can also go to Duties - Booked and select the any duty from the booking to open the booking management page.

Once you have the booking opened, use the large gear icon and click on 'Allot all duties' to get the
allotment pop-up. You can now allot all the duties of this booking to your driver, supplier (manual allotment) or allot to a network supplier as shown above.

Allotting Duty Supporters

You can also allot duty supporters to duty by clicking on the small gear icon and then on Add supporters (3). To add supporters simply select the supporter from the popup window to be added to the duty and
then on allot supporter.

To learn more about Duty Supporters click here.

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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