Articles on: Import, Export & Report

How to import customer data to masters ?

With Indecab, you can now import customers, suppliers, drivers and vehicles directly to your Masters section. This article will teach you how to do that. Let’s look at the steps.

Go to Masters > Customers.

Click on the large gear icon at the top right corner of the screen and click on Import.

In the pop up that appears, you need to click on Download Import Format.

This will let you download the format in which you need to import the data.

The file that gets downloaded is a .csv file.

Once you do that, you need to enter the details under the columns as mentioned and save the file in the csv format.

Now go back to the pop up and click on choose file. Select the file you have saved and click on Import Customers.

The details on your customer will get imported to your customer masters.


In case, you enter the details incorrectly, you will see the following error.

You need to click on Download Result to know the error.

You can import suppliers, my drivers and my vehicles details by following the same process.


Updated on: 15/09/2022

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