Articles on: Import, Export & Report

How to import bookings and duties

The video below will explain the process of importing bookings into Indecab.

Importing data from excel to Indecab is easy, this article will show you how.

There are two types of imports available:

1 - Import bookings:

To be used to import bookings which would then be allotted and completed on Indecab.

2 - Import duties:

To be used when duties are completed and then want to be imported into Indecab, including all the allotment and completed duty slip details.

Importing Bookings

Go to Bookings - Click on the large gear icon at the top right side of the screen - Select Import Bookings

In the pop-up, click on download Import Format. You get a format in which you have to import bookings.

Once you download the file, this is how the format looks.

Note: The details entered in the sheet need to match the masters exactly letter for letter.

Once the booking details are entered, save the file in CSV format and then import it.

Done! If you import fails you can download the import results to understand why the import did not take place.

Importing Duties

The duties import process is exactly the same as the bookings import. Go to the Duties section - Large gear icon at the top right - Import duties.

Click on the ‘Download Import Format’. This will download the file that will contain the format in which you have to import duties.

Note: The details entered in the field need to coincide with the details entered in the masters section

Once you enter the details, you have to select the saved file by clicking the choose file button. Select the file from the folder and click on import duties.

Once you import the duties you would see the following message.


Updated on: 15/09/2020

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