Articles on: Driver app & Location Tracking

How To Enable And Use Route Logging

Route logging provides you with the ability to track your vehicle's location at regular intervals, such as every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours. This functionality proves valuable when your customer requires driver location mapping and a detailed record of the route taken.

The final route taken can be viewed on the duty slip along with every location name in the chosen time interval.

A)How to enable route logging?

1- Go to the top right corner and go to ‘Me’ - ‘Business settings’

2- Under ‘Duty route log fetch interval’, choose your preferred address gathering interval time. Click on ‘Save changes’

Note: In case of any specific Duty Type that you do not want Route log to be visible for:
Go to ‘Masters’ - ‘Duty Types’ - Select Duty Type - Click on 'Disable Duty Route Log' - Save

B) How to view route log on your completed duty slip?

Once a duty is completed, for the duty type which has route log enabled this is how the final duty slip will look.
Your map shows the entire route and the location in every 15 min is also shown.

C) How to disable route log for a specific customer?

For any specific customer if you do not want route log to be visible, Go to Masters - Customer - Click on the customer name - Under Booking/Duties settings - Select ‘Disable route log for this customer’ - Save

D) How to enable route log only for specific customers?

Step 1- Create a new Duty Type with a unique name and disable route log for all other Duty Types.

Step 2- You can limit the new Duty Type to specific customers, Go to Master - Customer - Click on customer - EDIT - Under Booking/Duties section ‘Duty Types - Limit ability to add bookings to these Duty Types’ - Update the new Duty Type which should show route log - Save.

| Tip:
Purchase route log credits: Pre-purchase route log credits at cost of Rs. 1 per address to be able to apply route log for specific duty types only.

Example, if you want to enable the route log feature for 100 addresses, you would need to pre-purchase 100 credits, and the cost would be Rs. 1 per credit, resulting in a total charge of Rs. 100.

Enable duty route log to receive timely location updates!

If you would like to start using route logs, please write to us at to get started.

Updated on: 28/02/2024

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