Articles on: FAQs

How to edit driver allowances paid to driver for a specific duty

This article will take you through the Make Adjustments section

What is Make Adjustments ?

In order to change an amount of Driver Allowances paid to a Driver for a specific duty you need to select Make Adjustments.
To get started Go to Duties > Select The Duty > Click Setting Icon > Make Adjustments

Here you will see 2 sections:

Adjust Chargeable Allowances
Adjust Driver Allowances

To understand Allowances please see article Understanding Driver Allowances

1- Adjust Chargeable Allowances:

Allowances charged to Customers are based on the individual contract you have with your customer but in some cases for a specific duty type it can be changed.

This section allows you to change the driver allowance amount charged to Customer,
Example: Customer ABC wants to pay only 50Rs for overtime per hour on one single duty, you will Go to Duties > Make Adjustments > Adjust Chargeable Allowances > Mention 50rs in Overtime Per Hour > Save

2- Adjust Driver Allowances

Allowances that you pay to your driver are based on a set amount that you have with your driver but in some cases for a specific duty type it can be changed.

This section allows you to change the driver allowance amount that you pay,
Example: For 1 particular duty you want to pay only 20Rs for overtime per hour, you will Go to Duties > Make Adjustments > Adjust Driver Allowances > Mention 20rs in Overtime Per Hour > Save

Note: If you have a Supplier Duty the changes you make in Chargeable Allowances will not reflect in Purchase Duty Slip, Make changes to the purchase duty slip from the Purchase duties/Supplier Adjusment section as well, if needed.

Supplier Adjustments:

Allowances paid to Supplier would be based on the contract you have with individual Supplier, if you want to change an allowance amount for a specific duty you can change the amount.

Example: For 1 particular duty you want to pay only 30Rs for overtime per hour,
You will Go to Duties > Make Adjustments > Supplier Adjustments > Mention 30Rs in Overtime Per Hour > Save.

Thank you

Updated on: 10/08/2022

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