Articles on: Corporate accounts

How to create and share multiple customers from a corporate account to car-rental account

A single corporate can have multiple sub entities. This could be because,

There are different billing departments
There are multiple GST numbers (one for each state)

In a scenario like this you would create a single corporate account and create multiple customers within that account. These customers would need to be shared with your car-rental account. This article will show how to create and share these customers with the car rental account. You would need to do this only after you have created a corporate account.

Link : How to create a corporate account

Creating customers in Corporate Account

Go to Customers - Masters - Add Customer.

Sharing Multiple Customers

Once the customer has been created, go to Customers - You would be able to see the car - rental account in the list. Go to the small gear icon next to the car rental account and click on ‘Share customers with this associate.’

You need to enter the name of the customer you would like to share and click on ‘Share Customer.’

Make sure to inform your car-rental partner to accept the new customer master request.


Updated on: 26/09/2023

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