Articles on: Corporate accounts

How to create and manage employee policies

This article will take you through steps to set up:

A- Passenger Bands
B- Passenger settings for specific passengers
C- Employee settings for an specific employee

To create a Passenger/Employee account please refer to this article

A) What are Bands?
Bands are a set of access permissions you have created for a passenger, the band can be applied to multiple passenger profiles to give the same access level.

To create a band: Go to Masters - Passengers/Employees - Click on ‘Manage Bands’ - Click on ‘Add Band’

Under the column ‘Add Name’ - Enter the name which helps you quickly identify the band created:

Part 1: Passenger Settings

1- Allowed Vehicle Groups: Select the default Vehicle Groups that the passenger can choose

2- Extended Vehicle Groups - To be used if passengers entered are more than allowed vehicle groups seating capacity

3- Allowed Duty Types: Select the Duty Types that are allowed by default for this passenger

4- Allowed Cities: Select the cities for which this passenger is allowed to request bookings

3 permissions you can grant the passenger:

1- Allow supplier selection for allotment: By selecting this your passenger can choose which Supplier will perform the duty

2- Enable auto allotment: By choosing this option your passenger duties will be allotted automatically to the set Supplier

3- Show supplier pricing to this passenger: By choosing this option, your passenger can view the amount charged by your Supplier for performing a duty.
Example: Base Rate, Extra KM, Extra HR

Note: Enable auto allotment would not be applicable if Allow Supplier Selection for allotment is selected.

Part 2: Set time-based restrictions

a) Skip approval during this time slot: Mention the time slot between which you do not want to send approval request for this passenger booking

b) Restrict duty type based on time range: Select Duty Type and set a time slot between which bookings for the Duty Type cannot be created

The above band can be applied to multiple passenger profiles, Go to Employee - Click on the Passenger name - Under ‘Passenger Settings’ simply select the created band

B) How to set permissions/limitations for a specific passenger?

Step 1: Go to Masters - click on Passenger/Employee - click on the account that is ‘Passenger’ under Account type - scroll down to ‘Passenger Settings’

Under Passenger Settings you can set the following permissions/limitations:

1- Allowed Vehicle Groups: Select the Vehicle Groups that are default allowed for this passenger

2- Extended Vehicle Groups - To be used when passengers entered for allowed vehicle groups exceed seating capacity

3- Allowed Duty Types: Select the Duty Types that are allowed for this passenger

4- Allowed Cities: Select the cities for which this passenger is allowed to request bookings

5- Base City: Select the City that will be ‘FROM’ city whenever a booking is created

6- Visible Customer: Use this feature to give this employee access to only specific customers

C) How to set permissions/limitations for an Employee?

Step 1: Go to Masters - Click on Passenger/Employees - Select the Employee name - Go to ‘Account Access/Visibility & Settings’

Step 2: You will see the following limitations you can set for your Employee Login

1- Branches- Select the Branches this Employee can access.

2- Associate to Sister Company- If your Employee has access to only bookings associated with your sister company, select the company name here.

3- Visible Customers (keep blank for all)- If your Employee has access to only specific customers, select the customers. If your Employee can access all Customers, keep the column empty.

4- Is API User?- Please contact our support team to understand how this can be beneficial for your organisation

5- Add list of IP address to whitelist for this employee/user (if empty allow access from everywhere)- Refer to this article to understand how this can be beneficial for your organisation How to restrict user access to specific locations

Learn about Employee permissions and profiles

Thank you.

Updated on: 28/02/2024

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