Articles on: Booking & Allotment

How to automatically assign company based on city

Simplify company selection by automatically assigning bookings based on the city selected while creating a booking. This article will take you through steps on how you can setup an automated process and manage contracts across sister companies with state-wise agreements effectively.

Step 1: If you have multiple sister companies in different states, select the state of operations for each company; based on this selection when a city is set while creating a booking the company would be automatically assigned.

Go to Masters - My Companies - EDIT your company - Select the state under ‘State Of Operations’ - Save

Step 2: Go to Me - Business Settings - Under Booking/Duties settings - Select ‘Auto select company based on selected from city while adding the booking’ - Save changes

Once the above settings are done while creating a booking, based on the city selected under ‘From Service location’ the company booking should be created under is automatically assigned

Go to Duties - Add Booking - Enter the details and select city in ‘From Service Location’ - Company is automatically assigned

We hope this new feature update helps you streamline your booking management effectively, especially when dealing with state-wise contracts.

Updated on: 01/12/2023

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