Articles on: Network

How to add an associate

In this article, you will learn how to add an associate from the Indecab network.

The Indecab Network enables you to connect with other car-rental companies, giving you access to a
larger network of suppliers and associates which could potentially increase your business.

To add associates from the network, you need to follow the following steps.

Step 1:

Go to Network - All associates. Here you will see the list of car rental companies currently using the
Indecab network. Once you find an associate you want to work with, click on the ‘Add associate’
button on the right.

Step 2:

Once you click on ‘Add associate’, you will get the Add Network Associate pop-up window.
Here you need to set how the associate fits into your business. If you have worked with this company and
have created Customer or Supplier Masters, select them below, otherwise click on the drop-down box to
'Add as a new customer' or 'Add as a new supplier'. Once selected the two options, click on add

Step 3:

Once you send a request to an associate, they will get a notification. They need to accept your request.
Once the request is accepted you will get a notification of the same and the Associate would be visible
in the Network - ‘My Associates’ section. In the Masters, you will see a green network tag next to their
name. You will then be able to send and receive bookings via the Indecab network.

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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