Articles on: Booking & Allotment

How to add a monthly booking

There are multiple methods of adding a monthly booking. This article will take you through the scenario
where you would like to enter the starting and closing of each day in the duty.

There are 2 types of monthly bookings that you can create:

Long duration - Total KM with daily hours

This duty type lets you set the total KM the customer can use the vehicle for during the course of the
month. Extra KM would be charged over and above the monthly usage. However, the hours are
calculated on a daily basis and extra hours are charged based on the number of hours used per day.

Go to Masters - Duties - Add duty type

Once you select the duty type - Total KM with daily hours you will see the following fields to fill:

1: Duty type name

Name the duty appropriately as to not be confused with your regular duty types. The name used here
would be visible on the invoice and while adding the booking.

2: Maximum hours per day

Enter the maximum number of hours that the customer can use the car for on a daily basis.

3: Total KMS

Enter the total number of KM a customer can use the vehicle for in the month.

4: Maximum days

Enter the maximum number of days as per your customer contract, after which extra days will be
calculated and charged. If you do not use the extra days' concept enter the maximum days as 31.

Long duration - Total KM and Total Hours

This duty type lets you set the total KM and Hours that the customer can use the vehicle for during the
course of the month. The customer will be charged for the extra KM and Hours based on the total usage
for the month.

Once you select the duty type - Total KM and hours you will see the following fields to fill:

1: Duty type name

Name the duty appropriately as to not be confused with your regular duty types. The name used here
would be visible on the invoice and while adding the booking.

2: Total Hours

Enter the total number of hours a customer can use the vehicle for in the month.

3: Total KMS

Enter the total number of KM a customer can use the vehicle for in the month.

4: Maximum days

Enter the maximum number of days as per your customer contract, after which extra days will be
calculated and charged. If you do not use the extra days' concept enter the maximum days as 31.

Note: Before you can add a booking you need to set up the following

Step 1 - Creating the monthly Duty types:

Go to Masters - Duty Types - Add Duty Type and create the monthly duty type that you need.

Step 2 - Adding in the Customer Pricing:

Once you have created the duty types you need to enter the pricing for the same in the customer

Go to Masters - Customers - Select the customer - enter the pricing next to the duty types.

Once you have added the above two steps you can now go ahead and create the monthly bookings.

Adding a monthly booking

To create a monthly booking, go to Duties - Add Booking. Once the page loads fill in all the booking
details, in the duty type select the monthly duty type. Select the start date as the 1st of the month and the
end date as the last date of the month, fill in all the other details and click book.

Your monthly booking has now been added.

Managing Monthly Bookings

Once a monthly booking is created you can manage the booking from the bookings section.

The monthly booking can be allotted on a day to day basis to different drivers/suppliers or all at once for
the entire month to the same driver.

Once all the duties have been alotted, you can manage the booking just like any other booking.

With the monthly booking duty type, you have the option to skip duties if required. Use this for the days'
duties that have not taken place, like weekends or public holidays.

To skip a duty go to the booking - select the duty - use the small gear icon and click on ‘Skip Duty’.

There is another method to creating invoices for a monthly booking in the case you do not want to enter
the opening and closing details of each duty. Take a look at this article for more: How to create invoices

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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