Articles on: Driver app & Location Tracking

Getting started with Location Tracking

Location Tracking will enable you to see the real-time location of any Indecab Go - Driver app user at all times.
This article will take you through how to start tracking the location of your drivers and attached vehicles.

If your licenses have expired, click here Managing location tracking licenses

Step 1: Activating your free trial

After you click on 'Get started' you will have 3 free licenses for one month to try out Location Tracking.

Step 2: Creating users

The first thing you need to do is create logins for your drivers. You can do this from the 'My Drivers'
section as well as the 'Suppliers' section.

Note: Supplier User can only be created for 'Driver cum owner (DCO)' type of Suppliers.

To Create a user, move your mouse over the gear icon to the right of the Driver/Supplier's name and click on 'Create user'.

Enter a password and click on 'Create user'.

Step 3: Activating tracking

Once you have created a user, from the same menu click on 'Activate tracking'.

Select the license you which to use to activate the tracking for this user and click on 'Activate tracking'.

Step 4: Installing the app on your driver's phone

The last step is to install the Indecab Go - Driver app on your driver's mobile phone. Ask them to log in
using their number as the username and the password you set while creating the user.

Note: The driver app must be v0.2.0 or higher for location tracking to work.


Go to the Location Tracking section to view the real-time location!

Updated on: 15/09/2020

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