Articles on: Understanding Operations

How to set up and use Driver Payroll

This article will take you through the Driver Payroll section.

What is Driver Payroll?

Driver payroll is a functionality that enables you to keep a track of your driver attendance & create salary statements. This section centralises information from the below mentioned sections in order to calculate driver payroll.

1 - My Drivers (Salary, allowance, deductions)
2 - Petty Cash
3 - Vehicle Fuel
4 - Duty specific Toll/Parking

The above four sections once set up would allow you to calculate your Driver salary statement correctly on a monthly basis, let’s start by understanding how to set up the above 4 sections before we begin using Driver Payroll-

Part 1: My Drivers
Let’s start with setting up Driver Salary and Allowance information:
Go to Masters > My Drivers > Select The Driver > EDIT

To enable calculation in Driver Payroll you would need to set your driver working hours, Allowances, Salary and any deductions in this section; the information you add here is what you pay your driver. Please refer to this article to understand how to set up My Driver information to calculate your Driver Payroll- My Drivers

Tip: You can even add deductions that would automatically get considered in the drivers salary statement.

Part 2: Petty Cash
To update Petty Cash calculation for the month that should be visible in your Driver Payroll,
Go to Operations > Petty Cash > Add New Transaction

The amount you fill here whether it is a Credit or Debit, would be calculated in your drivers salary statement. Please refer to this article for steps on how to add Petty Cash: Understanding Petty Cash

Tip: Petty cash transactions can also be added at a duty level

Part 3: Vehicle Fuel
To update Vehicle Fuel transactions that your driver has paid for in your drivers salary statement, Go to Operations > Vehicle Fuel > New Fuel Entry > Paid by ‘Driver’

When a new fuel entry is made which is paid for by your Driver, it would be added to your Driver Payroll statement. Please refer to this article for steps on how to add Vehicle Fuel: Understanding Vehicle Fuel

Part 4: Duty Specific Toll/Parking
Duty specific Toll/Parking would be Billing Items that are paid for by your driver on a particular duty, this could be added manually in Duty Slip when Closing Duty or by your Driver from the IndecabGo Driver App.

To understand Billing Items please refer to this article Understanding Billing Items

4.1 How to add Duty Specific Toll/Parking?

a) Adding Billing Item while creating Duty Slip: Go to Duties > ALL > Select the gear icon next to Duty > Close Duty > Add Billing Items

You can add a description for the Billing Item if needed, this could be either explaining the Billing Item added or to update Customer on anything specific in regards to the Billing Item.

Once you Close & Update Duty slip the added Billing item would be calculated in your Driver Salary statement, this would be available in the Driver Payroll section.

Adding Billing Item from the IndecabGo Driver App:

The amount added here would be calculated in your Driver Salary statement, this would be available in the Driver Payroll section.

Now that you have the above 4 parts set up for your Drivers, let’s begin understanding on how to use Driver Payroll:

To learn how to use the Driver Payroll feature check out our video

Go to Operations > Driver Payroll

Now let's get acquainted with the driver payroll section. You can find this section under Operations >
Driver Payroll

In the Driver Payroll tab you will see the following options:

1. - Filters Bar

When you open the driver payroll tab, you can filter by the driver's name and phone number. You can also select the month for which you would like to calculate the salary.

2 - Attendance

You can add/update the driver's attendance by simply clicking on the ‘Attendance’ button and filling
out the details. There are two ways to add attendance.
Attendance from duty - In time is taken as the start time of the first duty done in the day and out time is considered as the end time of the last duty done in the day.
Manual - You can also manually enter a start time and end time

3 - Paid

The paid column lets you know the driver salaries that have been paid.

4 - Small gear icon

The small gear icon lets you export the payroll report for the driver and gives you the option of marking
the drivers whose salaries have been paid.

Managing driver payroll

Step 1: To generate the payroll for a specific driver first you would need to complete the attendance. As
mentioned earlier you can enter attendance manually or pull it based on duty timings.

Step 2: Step 2: Go back to Operations > Driver Payroll. You can now see your driver attendance under the Present/Absent column. To generate a detailed report of your driver Click on the settings icon > Export Report > Download Statement. You can go back to the Driver payroll section to generate the driver’s salary statement as shown in the image below.

Add Custom Row:
If you want to add any additional field that should be mentioned in the Exported Driver Salary Statement, Go to Export Report > Add Row> Fill the required fields > Download Statement

Add Deductions:
If you have particular deductions that you make from your drivers salary on a monthly basis, you can get those deductions automatically calculated in Driver Salary Statement.
Go to Masters > Driver > Edit > Deductions > Save.

Once you save the deduction amount in the Drivers section, it would be automatically calculated in the Driver Salary Statement.

Understanding driver salary statement

When you export a drivers salary statement, the downloaded PDF will contain the following details:

1 - Payroll Period
The payroll period is the amount of time for which the driver's salary is calculated.

2 - Base Salary
The base salary is displayed based on how it is entered in the My Drivers Master. If salary is entered in
‘Salary per month’ the salary displayed on the statement would be the full monthly amount. If salary is
entered in ‘Daily wages’ the amount entered here would be Daily wages x number of days
attendance is marked as present.

3 - Billing Items
Billing items are the calculated total of all the billing items like toll, parking, permits, etc. that the driver
has paid for during the payroll period.

4- Allowances
The amount entered here is a total of all the allowances applicable to your driver based on the duties he/she has performed for during the selected Payroll period.The calculation would be based on the custom amounts that you have entered in Masters > Drivers section. Allowances is the calculated total of the different allowances like daily allowance, night allowance, outstation allowance, etc that the driver is entitled to based on the rates entered in the My Drivers master.

5 - Fuel
If your In case the driver has paid for any fuel transactions in the selected Payroll period, the calculated total cost will be displayed in the fuel section of the driver's salary statement. Fuel transactions entry in Operations > Vehicle Fuel section markedentered as ‘Paid by driver’ would be considered in this statement.

6 - Petty Cash
If petty cash was given to the driver while undertaking any duty, it will be displayed in the petty cash section.

To know more about petty cash and learn how to create petty cash entries take a look at the next article

7- Addn. Charges
Amount entered here would be deductions that you have entered in the Masters > Driver section which will be deducted from the Driver Salary on a monthly basis.

To know more about petty cash and learn how to create petty cash entries take a look at the next article

Next: Petty Cash

Updated on: 12/08/2022

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