Articles on: Tutorials

DLT platform SMS template registration process

This article will guide you through the process of registering SMS templates. Make sure you are reading this only after you have completed the DLT entity and header registration process. Please read this guide to learn how to do that if not done already.

Step: 1 Open your Indecab account and visit Business Settings - SMS templates - Click on 'Use defaults' - Type in your company name at the bottom - Click on 'Copy DLT template'.

Step 2: Open your login and visit the 'Templates section' and click on 'Content templates'.

Click 'Add'

Step 3: Select 'Service' and 'Implicit' - Enter a template name - and past the DLT template copied from Indecab into the Template message box - Click Save.

Make sure you do this for the all templates listed in the Indecab SMS templates section.

Updated on: 01/03/2021

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