Articles on: Tutorials

Custom Fields - how to add and use them.

Custom Fields - how to add and use them.

At Indecab we understand that your customers can have different data points that need to be captured
while creating a booking. From employee IDs to PO numbers, by using custom fields you can set up the
system to capture this information while entering a booking and also display it at different places.

How to create a custom field?

Custom fields are set up at an individual customer level. To add custom fields for a customer go to
Masters - Customers - Select the customer - click on custom fields - add a field.

Enter the name of the field you would like to create and select the options as required as shown in the
image below

Select this if you would like the custom field to be displayed when you add a booking
Select this if you would like the custom field to be visible on the invoice and the booking
confirmation email
Select this if you would like the custom field to be displayed on the duty slip
Select this if you would like the custom field to be searchable
Select this if you would like the custom field to be shown in the duty slip/invoice.
Select this if you would like to make the custom field a mandatory field while creating a booking.

Once you set up the custom fields for a customer, it will show up when you add a booking (if you have
selected it) as displayed below:

Custom fields added would be visible while adding a booking

Displaying custom fields on the duty slip

The added custom fields will be displayed while printing a duty slip (if selected in the masters) right next
to the passenger's name as shown in the image below:

Displaying custom fields on invoices

The added custom fields will be displayed in the invoice (if selected in the masters) right next to the
passenger's name as shown in the image below:

While you can add as many custom fields as you require, please note that you will have to create custom
fields for each customer.

Custom fields in exports

To add custom field columns when you export duties select ‘Booked by fields’ and ‘Passenger
fields’** from the duty export column options.

Search by custom field

Once you have set up custom fields you can filter the duties listed in the duties section by the custom

Go to the duties - All (you can go to any of the duty statuses) - Enter the custom field in the filter bar and
click enter. You will see all the duties with that custom field.

Updated on: 16/09/2020

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