Visibility permissions for an employee can be assigned for 3 sections. When permission is given for any section, it enables the employee to view bookings, customers, drivers, and vehicles that have been assigned to the same section.
To get started go to Masters - My Employees and follow the below mentioned steps.
Step 1:
Go to Masters - Employees - Select the Employee - scroll down to the Account Access/Visibility & Settings section of the form
Step 2:
In this column you can set limitations for your employees based on company , branches or choose to give them access to specific customers only.
In this column you can set limitations for your employees based on company , branches or choose to give them access to specific customers only.
Let’s understand how each limitation works for an employee
If you have multiple branches i.e Office or Office & Dispatch Center or just Dispatch Center, you can set limitations for each employee by Branches/Dispatch Centers. The employee would then only be able to access information about bookings, customers, drivers, and vehicles that are assigned to the branch.
Dispatch Center: If a booking is created by selecting a branch as the dispatch center, employee will be able to view the bookings of that branch/ dispatch center.
City Of Operations: If a booking is created for the city the branch operates in, employee would be able to view all the bookings for that city.
Driver,Vehicle Customer: The employee will be able to access Customers, Drivers, Vehicles information if they are assigned to the specified branch.
Note: If the branch is created as ‘Type- Office’ , employees will be able to view bookings based on city of operations and the customers that are assigned to the branch.
To assign Customers to a branch go to Masters - Customers - Click on the customer listing - Edit - Under Branches select the branch from the drop down menu - click Save.
1- If a corporate customer is assigned for a branch then the employee should have network permission to be able to see the bookings of the corporate customer.
2- If an employee is assigned to a specific branch, under Location tracking they will only see drivers/supplier who are either:
If you have multiple companies with their own employees, you can set limitations for the employees based on the company they belong to. By doing this, whenever a booking is created for a customer, the default booking to billing process will take place under your sister company. This will also enable your employees to manage bookings only for the assigned customer.
First you will need to create a sister company. To learn more about creating a sister company, click here.
Go to Masters - Employees - click on the employee listing - under Associate to Sister Company select the sister company - Click Save. The employee will now be able to manage customers or bookings assigned to the sister company only.
To set a default company for your customers, go to Masters - Customer - click on the customer listing - select sister company under Default Company column - click on Save.
Sometimes, the need arises for certain employees to be assigned only for specific customers, due to high volume bookings or VIP customers who require a dedicated team.
You can set limitations for your employees to only manage a particular customer. By doing this, the employee will then be able to manage the booking to billing process for the selected customers only.
To set limitation for an employee to only be able to access details of a particular customer, go to Masters - Employees - click on the employee listing - under Visible Customer select the customers you want to assign to the employee - click on Save
If a corporate customer is assigned to the employee, the employee will be able to manage the booking to billing process only if network permissions are given.
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